I have Malaria again! It is real BAD!!!Friday afternoon I started feeling it coming on but wasn't sure. Then Saturday morning it hit me like a brick wall!!!! So for Thompson's Birthday we were inside while I was dying! I started the meds yesterday (Sun) I'm slowly recovering but it sucks!!! I missed the baptism yesterday. We only baptised 5 of the 12 because we wanted to split it into 2. But I still missed it and the coolest part of it was that our recent convert, my boy keyboard did the baptizing!!!
So yeah I'm really excited to be a Uncle Again!!!! Amy told me first HaHaHaHa!!!!!!! It's my job to spread the word! I really am doing better today but the headache was the worst part. It was the worst thing you could possibly stand! UGH! Oh well it's on the downside now!
Today we went to Hans Cottage, the place with the crocodiles it was SWEET!!!! I'm sending home pictures tomorrow with a Jersey for Trents Bday. It is a hotel/par/resturaunt. But they were huge! We got to walk around them, touch them, and I got some sweet pics!
Next week are transfers. Right now Elder Anucha (Nigeria) who is a really cool guy, he is with Elder Leko(Uganda), and Elder Kwapong (Ghana) he is training Elder Fowole (Nigeria)Are in the Apt. with Elder Thompson and I. It is a pretty sweet apt. I love it! I love the Africans!!!!
My shirts are doing good all my clothes are doing great! The weather is gonna start getting really hot in October!!!! I'm scared! Jk it don't phase J Speech haha !!!
Don't worry about me I am doing better and I will be fine I promise! I love you!!!
Elder Speechly your son!!!