Addresses if you want to write Elder Jeffery Speechly

Jeff's email:

Jeff's address:
Elder Jeffery Speechly
Ghana, Cape Coast Mission
Cape Coast, Ghana

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good-bye Izzy and Ben

Izzy and Ben two of Jeff's best buddies (2 of the fab five) leave tomorrow. It is going to be hard! They had their farewells 2 sunday's ago and they both did such fabulous jobs. They sounded like return missionaries instead of new missionaries. Izzy is going to Pocatello Id and Ben Chile. They are like my sons and I will miss them almost as much as Jeff! :( Good luck Boy's we love you and will miss you and pray for you daily!!!


Sammy said...

holy cow, i can't believe they are gone! nuts, and jeff is going so soon, yay!

Sammy said...

those pictures are sooo cute so sad

April said...

oh it makes me so sad. I never sad goodbye to them. Crazy, and now its Jeff's turn, so sureal.